Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

Benefits of Coffee

Do You like Coffee.? Ehm...Who does not know the name of coffee. Coffee is a type of beverage that comes from processing plants and extraction of coffee beans. The word coffee itself comes from the Arabic language qahwah which means strength, because the coffee was initially used as a high-energy food. Qahwah word again been changed into kahveh derived from the Turkish language and then changed again into Koffie in Dutch

The discovery of coffee itself happens by accident when herders from the area of Africa observing a herd of goat herds remain intact even after the sun goes down after eating a kind of berries. He also tried to cook and eat. In general, there are two kinds of coffee beans, the Arabica (best quality) and Robusta

Arabica Coffee Beans 

Coffee arabica is the traditional type of coffee with great taste terbaik.Sebagian existing coffee made ​​with coffee beans ini.Kopi type is derived from Ethiopia, Africa In general, coffee is grown in countries with tropical or subtropical climates. Arabica coffee grown at an altitude of 600-2000 m above sea level. This plant can grow to 3 meters when good environmental conditions. Optimal growth temperature is 18-26 oC. Coffee beans produced small enough and colored green to dark red.

Robusta Coffee Beans

Robusta coffee was first discovered in Congo in 1898.Kopi robusta coffee can be considered as class 2, because it tastes more bitter, slightly acidic, and contain levels of caffeine in a much more banyak.Selain it, the scope of robusta coffee growing area wider than arabica coffee to be grown at altitude tertentu.Kopi robusta can be grown with a height of 800 m above permuakaan laut.Selain it, this type of coffee is more resistant to pests and diseases. This makes the cheaper robusta coffee.

Coffee Luwak

Other types of coffee which is a derivative or subvarietas of arabica and robusta coffee. Usually in every coffee-producing areas have uniqueness of each and make it as a subvarietas. One other well-known type of coffee is authentic Indonesian civet coffee.
Civet coffee is coffee with the highest sales price in the world. The process of forming a very unique and it seems to be the main reason for the high price of coffee this type. Basically, this coffee is arabica coffee species. Coffee beans are then eaten by a mongoose or a type of weasel. However, not all parts of coffee beans can be digested by the animal. The inside of these seeds will then come out with feces. Because it has survived long in the digestive tract mongoose, coffee beans has been subject to a short fermentation by natural bacteria in his stomach that gives additional unique taste.

The Types of Coffee Drinks

Coffee drinks available today are very diverse types. Each type of coffee is a process that unik.Berikut presentation and processing are some examples of coffee drinks which are common:
  1. Black Coffee, is the result of direct extraction of boiling coffee beans, which is presented without any additional perisa.
  2. Espresso is made ​​by extracting coffee beans using hot steam at high pressure.
  3. Latte (coffee latte), is a kind of espresso coffee is added to milk with a ratio of 3:1 between milk and coffee.
  4. Café au lait, similar to Caffe latte but using a mixture of black coffee.
  5. Caffe macchiato, an espresso coffee is added to milk with coffee and milk ratio of 4:1.
  6. Cappuccino, a coffee with the addition of milk, cream, and chocolate chips.
  7. Dry cappuccino, a cappuccino with a little cream and no milk.
  8. Frappe, an espresso that is served cold.
  9. Instant coffee, coffee bean comes from the dried and granulated.
  10. Irish Coffee, a coffee mixed with whiskey.
  11. Brewed coffee, real coffee Indonesia made ​​by cooking the beans along with sugar.
  12. Melya, a type of coffee with the addition of cocoa powder and honey.
  13. Coffee mocha, cappuccino and latte are similar to, but with the addition of chocolate syrup.
  14. Shaky, specialty coffee Thailand cooked with corn, soybeans, and sesame.
  15. Coffee worms, coffee comes from Indonesia exactly in Lamongan eastern Java. Coffee that has been mixed with powdered worms. which he believed to be efficacious to cure various diseases. do the presentation with fry worms that have been cleaned and grind into powder. Then, the worm powder was mixed with a cup of coffee.
Coffee Benefits

Coffee is famous for the tinggi.Kafein caffeine itself is a compound result of secondary metabolism class of alkaloids from plant coffee and have a bitter taste. Various health effects of coffee are generally associated with the activity of caffeine in the body. According to Harvard Women's Health, the consumption of several cups of coffee a day may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the formation of kidney stones, colon cancer, Parkinson's disease, liver damage (cirrhosis), heart disease and prevent cognitive decline in brain power.
  1. Diabetes, The researchers believe that coffee can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes (caused by a deficiency of insulin secretion, often accompanied with insulin resistance syndrome) to 50%.
  2. Cancer, it is said that coffee may reduce the risk of liver cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer.
  3. Cirrhosis, Coffee protects the liver from cirrhosis, particularly cirrhosis due to alcoholism.
  4. Parkinson's Disease, reduce the risk of Parkinson's half lower than those who do not drink coffee.
  5. Heart Disease and Stroke, according to their study who drank two to three cups of coffee a day had a risk of stroke by 19% lower than those who do not drink coffee. Studies of a number of men in Finland showed similar results
  6. Cognitive Function, shows that drinking at least three cups of coffee a day can prevent decline in cognitive function due to aging of the brain up to 33 % in women. However, the same benefits not found in men.
  7. In the field of sports, lots of coffee consumed by the athletes prior to competing for the active compounds in coffee could increase energy metabolism, particularly to solve the glycogen (sugar reserves in the body).
mbah surip said: "many are drinking coffee and less sleep .... hahaha .... I LOVE YOU FULL .."

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