Jumat, 14 Oktober 2011

Meaning of Kiss

Arcoding to you the Meaning of / The purpose of the kiss?.... There are few stories from a variety of majors (just Kidding)..............like what...

@Lecturer of Physics:
A kiss is the attractive forces between the two mouths where the distance between one point to another point is zero.

@Lecturer of Chemistry:
A kiss is the reaction caused by the interaction of compounds released by the two liver.

@Lecturer of Microbiology:
A kiss is an exchange of bacteria uniseksual in saliva.

@Lecturer of Biologists:
A kiss is a merging of the two muscles orbicularisoris in a state of contraction.

@Lecturer of economy:
A kiss is something where demand is greater than an offer.

@Lecturer of statistics:
A kiss is an event that chances could depend on the following statistics :36-24-36.

@Lecturer of Technical:
A kiss? What is ..?

@Lecturer of electro:
A kiss is a meeting between the ions resulting in positive and negative weak currents into strong currents ...

@Lecturer of medical:
A kiss is the process of diagnosing resulting from direct physical blood flow to the reproductive organs increase

@Lecturer of psychology:
A kiss is the process of inspiration against one's mindset to will know the pleasure ....

@A kiss by the program faculty computer:
If kiss >= Hot then go to bed room else go to bathroom end.

@Kissing The Art Lecturer:
A kiss is something beautiful when be shared

@A kiss by a gym teacher :
if kissing is very hot categorized, as large as the calories wasted to walk hie (brisk walking)

@A kiss under the political lecturer (the science of conflict transformation):
kiss is the ability to frictions transform conflict from two different groups so that it can produce something positive (win win solution: "All happy, all convenient .. all drift)

@A kiss by a lecturer in mathematics (probability theory) :
The kiss gambling, now kissing Just wait for replies, slapped or reply to kiss ...

@A kiss by sports lecturer (again) :
A kiss is a stretching and heating for the "sport" more weight ....

@According to civics teacher :
A kiss is a right held by a couple whose relationship has been recognized by the state based on law and legislation applies.

@According to the language faculty :
A kiss is derived from a word basic "smell" that gets the suffix "an".

@According to sexology lecturer:
A kiss is a stimulation technique and heating (foreplay) where This stage of the points touched stimulation throughout the body ...

@According to his faculty :
A kiss is his friend the Unyil, ucrit, ci usrok. could also mean is conscious of the unconscious.

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